How to Select A Software Development Method For Your Project

Writing codes is a fraction of a large whole, which the building of a software depends on. Beyond the codes, there's more work to be done for a software to become fully functional with a well managed database and other requirements.
Software Development is split into stages. For a software to come out as a well built product, each stage needs to be carried out efficiently. This means that, some laid down procedures or processes have to be followed to the letter by every developer or engineer involved in building this software. This set of procedures are referred to as Software Development Methodology.
As a Software Developer or someone in tech, it is advised that you understand how these methods are employed so that you can function collaboratively when you find yourself in a team practicing any of these methods.
This article explains the procedures of some software development methods and how you can choose one for your project. Before going further, it is better to understand the need for abiding to standard procedures when working on a project.
Also, If you are considering going into Software Project Management, choosing any of the software development methods to be skilled at is a good direction in your career path. I hope this article serves as a guide in helping you make the right decisions towards that path.
Importance of Software Development Methods
- Clarity: This involves clear definition of the purpose of the project to team members. From the ideation stage to testing and going live, the entire team is fully informed of the intended end goal.
- Coordination: Having known the purpose of the project, the next step is how to go about achieving it. Software Development Methodologies help split projects into units to be handled by team members. This way, each person is aware of his role early enough.
- Quality Control : Software Development Method helps monitor the quality of work being done. Since everyone is working together, it is easy to notice where there's a lapse and quickly correct it.
- Time consciousness: Having a clear guide of how to achieve the set tasks, saves you from time waste due to deliberations. So, from the onset you know what to expect and the steps to achieve it.
Types of Software Development Methods
There are various Software Development Methodologies, such as:
- Waterfall Method
- DevOps Method
- Agile Method
Waterfall Method
Waterfall development method is a method which involves the breaking down of software development processes into sequential phases. This means that each phase is dependent on the previous phase while all the phases are set to a common goal.
Features of Waterfall Method
- Design and Development is in a sequential order
- Each phase depends on the previous phase
- Scope of project is clearly defined
- Customer-driven
- Collaboration
Advantages of Waterfall Method
- Whole system approach
- Team roles are clearly defined
- Costing is easier
- Progress measurement is less stressful
- No iteration of any phase
Disadvantages of Waterfall Method
- Only ideal for small-sized projects
- Testing is not done until project is completed
- Relying too much on tools
- Changes during production is almost impossible due to the rigid structure
- No room for uncertainty
DevOps Method
DevOps is an Acronym for Development-Operations. This type of software development method involves bringing Developers and IT operators together for a common goal. DevOps method is known for the synergy between writing codes and implementing them in real life. The marriage between "Devs" and "Ops" makes the software development cycle shorter and offers value to customers, who in turn promote continuous development in the form of feedback.
Features of DevOps Method
- Development is continuous
- Deployment of software program is also continuous
- Continuous Delivery and Integration
- Logging and Monitoring of software performance
- Collaboration
Advantages of DevOps Method
- Better communication and collaboration
- Automation of development processes
- Shorter development lifecycle
- Stable work environment
- Deployment is made easier and faster
Disadvantages of DevOps Method
- Automation of process can be difficult sometimes
- Relying too much on tools
- Agreement between Devs and Ops
- Maintaining the balance of moving from infrastructure to microservices
- Changing the work culture at any point without due deliberations.
Skills required of a DevOp Engineer
Becoming the bridge between development and operations is not quite an easy task but very much achievable. If you're considering being a DevOps Engineer, here are some skills you'd need to acquire:
- Excellent collaboration and communication
- Critical analysis and problem solving
- Understanding of basic tools for DevOps
- Coding
- Testing
- Cloud engineering
Asides the skills mentioned here, you could also gain more experience form consistent practice.
Agile Development Method
Agile Development method involves the reduction or breaking down of the software development process into phases. In this method, software development is divided into these phases: Ideation, Iteration(requirements and design), Development, Testing and Maintenance(Review). Agile method concentrates on the business value of the project
Features of Agile Development Method
- Development is in phases
- Value-driven development
- Continuous planning and maintenance
- Estimation of time for product readiness
- Cross functional units of teams
Advantages of Agile Development Method
- Transparency in development; due to its division in phases
- Focus is on business value
- Flexible
- Quality product
- Cost reduction
Disadvantages of Agile Development Method
- Scalability
- Organizational transformation is required
- Limited documentation
- Poor planning and coordination of resources
- End is not easily determined as iteration is continuous
Skills required of an Agile Development Engineer
- Communication and collaboration
- Critical Thinking and Analysis
- Problem solving
- Flexibility and Adaptability
- Business value orientation
Factors to consider when choosing a Software Development method
- End goal of the project: What product are you building? Who are you building for? These are some questions that help your team understand what you have set out to achieve initially.
- The project size: The size of what you're building, determines the number of people to be involved in the development and the method to use.
- The requirements for the project: Some products require more resources than others. Knowing the kind of resources required in building your product also helps you select the method of development.
- The timeframe to complete the project: How long will it take your product to be ready for use? Every product in the market place has a time frame it was built. This helps each team member to work with a deadline in mind.
- The mode of communication among team members working on the project: Is your team remote or onsite? The selected means of communication among your team members is a key factor that decides the method to use.
Having a product worth shipping is the pride of every manufacturer. As such, optimal concentration should be given to the development method employed in developing software products. Choosing any of the methods explained in this article or others, will give your product better chances in the market than developing a product without a coordinated process. Also bearing in mind the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen method will help you reduce the risks and failures that tend to occur during production; it is more like getting prepared beforehand. Therefore, choose a method whose disadvantage can be low as possible in affecting your products.